Americans don’t want federalism. But they should. I have convinced two friends that I am right and they offered their own implementations.

1. Federalism With Moving Subsidies

States can do whatever they want. The Bill of Rights are no longer incorporated against the the states. However, states must pay the the relocation costs of people who want to move. Perhaps state governments would moderate their culture war grandstanding if they were forced to pay for bad policies that drive residents away. States are allowed to experiment again and people aren’t trapped in places that are hostile to their values.

2. Galaxy Brain Federalism

Let states that don’t want to be part of the Union leave. Withdraw all federal military equipment and personnel who don’t want to stay with the neo-Confederate states. No longer America. Constitution no longer applies. Invade because America will not tolerate an enemy on her borders. Make Sherman’s March look like child’s play.

Union. From Sea to Shining Sea.

Activated Senator Daniel Webster c. 1847.